A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, also known as a Reorganization Bankruptcy, offers a chance for those in debt to “catch their breath” after an interruption in income. A job furlough, a hospitalization, or even a car accident can cause a disruption in a family’s finances. This can lead to very threatening concerns including foreclosure, eviction, repossession, and even a bank levy by the IRS.
If you are concerned about a foreclosure of your house, eviction or the repossession of your car or cars, contact our office immediately. Time is of the essence.
A Chapter 13 filing can help you to hang on to your house or car or to stop the IRS from taking away the resources you need to get back on your feet. In a Chapter 13 filing, secured loans you are behind on can be reorganized into a single monthly payment that, with careful management, will work within your budget, allowing you to keep your house and/or car while paying your normal monthly expenses.
Like a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, I will work with you to collect financial data and prepare a Bankruptcy petition on your behalf. In addition, I will prepare a repayment plan, working carefully with you on your budget so that you will be able to succeed in paying the funds necessary to get caught up in an orderly and manageable way.
You will also be required to take two online financial courses to complete your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, and you will need to appear for a brief Court hearing, either in person in Austin or by telephone. Just like in a Chapter 7 case, I will appear with you during that hearing.
Once your case is filed, Creditors must stop calling you. That is the first relief part of Bankruptcy relief!
Again, just like in a Chapter 7, in your Chapter 13 case I will advise you about any potential pitfalls or concerns I have about the case, and I will be personally filing the case and serve as liaison between you and the Court throughout the pendency of your case.
Our initial consultation is free. Please fill out our on line form, or give us a call.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the US Bankruptcy Code.